Tealive & Llao Llao

Tealive serves crafted beverages such as Bubble Tea, Milk Tea, Crafted Tea, Matcha, Fruit Tea, Coffee, Smoothie, Sparkling Juice.

Llaollao is proud to serve customers the freshest and most delicious frozen yogurt, using the finest ingredients to maintain both the authenticity and health benefits of yogurt. With over 70 outlets in Malaysia, we are driven to bring our frozen delights to other parts of the nation. We have no plans to slow down, and are delighted to continue serving the best quality yogurt to customers all over Asia.”

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The Manhattan Fish Market
Absolute Thai
Kamelah Tobacco
Moobeeii Art Florist
CARING Pharmacy
Kenny Roger Roasters
Tealive & Llao Llao
Phone: +60361439892
LG - LG-28B